Spring til Indhold

Ansvarlig brug af plastic


Vi har forpligtet os til at halvere vores brug af virgin-plastic i vores emballager - og til at indsamle og forarbejde mere plastic emballage, end vi sælger inden 2025

A plastic bag underwater

Der er rigtig meget plastic forurening i miljøt. Og det er en kendsgerning, at meget af det bærer vores navn.

Det er ikke OK med os.

Plastic er et værdifuldt materiale. Det er afgørende for at sikre en sikker og effektiv distribution af vores produkter, og det har et lavere Co2 aftryk end mange alternative materialer. Så det har sin rolle.

Men den rolle er bestemt ikke at forurene vores gader, floder og have.

Plastic hører derimod hjemme i den cirkulære økonomi – hvor det bliver genbrugt, genanvendt eller komposteret. Og hvor det bliver holdt i et loop, hvor det aldrig kan finde vej ud i miljøet.

Hvis blot en af vores emballager ender i miljøet, er det en for meget. Vores plastic er vores ansvar.

Og det er baggrunden for, at vi nu offentliggør vores nye mål, som er endnu mere modige end dem, som vi har arbejdet henimod frem til i dag.

Vi er fast besluttede på at halvere vores brug af virgin-plastic i emballager - og på at samle og forarbejde mere plastic emballage end vi sælger… alt sammen inden 2025.

1/2Inden 2025 vil vi reducere mængden af virgin-plastic i vores emballager med 50%.

MereInden 2025 vil vi indsamle og forarbejde mere plastic emballage, end vi sælger.

Når det gælder vores mål ift. virgin-plastic, vil vi gøre dette på to måder. For det første vil vi fjerne mere end 100,000 ton plastic emballage ved at accelerere ‘multi-use packs’ – som fx genbrugelige og genopfyldelige formater – og ‘no plastic’ løsninger, som omfatter alternative emballage-materialer og ‘nøgne’ produkter. For det andet vil vi accelerere vores brug af genanvendt plastic i vores emballager.

Det vigtigste skridt ift. at eliminere plastic affald er at undgå, at det kommer ud i vores miljø. Derfor har vi også forpligtet os til at indsamle og forarbejde mere plastic emballage, end vi sælger. Vi vil gøre dettte på tre måder: Investeringer og partnerskaber, der styrker infrastrukturen for affaldshådstering i mange af de lande, hvor vi opererer; opkøb og brug af genanvendt plastic i vores emballager; og deltagelse i udvidede programmer for virksomheder, hvor vi betaler for indsamling af vores emballager.

Vi kan kun eliminere plastic affald ved at handle hurtigt og radikalt i alle faser af cyklussen.

Alan Jope, CEO, Unilever

“Vi kan kun eliminere plastic affald ved at handle hurtigt og radikalt i alle cyklussens faser,” siger Unilevers CEO Alan Jope. “Det kræver en fundamental nytænkning af vores tilgang til vores emballager og produkter. Det kræver, at vi introducerer nye og innovative materialer, og opskalerer nye forretningsmodeller, som genbrug og refill formater – med en hidtil uset hastighed og intensitet.”

“Vores vision er en verden, hvor alle samarbejder for at sikre, at plastic bliver i økonomien og ude af vores miljø. Vores plastic er vores ansvar, og derfor har vi forpligtet os til at indsamle mere, end vi sælger som del af vores arbejde frem imod en cirkulær økonomi. Dette er en overvældende men spændende opgave, som vil bidrage til at drive den globale efterspørgsel efter genanvendt plastic.”

Hver dag bruger ca. 2.5 mia. mennesker på tværs af kloden i mere end 190 lande vores produkter til at føle sig godt tilpas, se godt ud og få mere ud af livet. Det sætter os i en unik position til at være del af løsningen og til at realisere vores vision for en affalds-fri verden, hvor ingen emballager ender i miljøet – til lands, i vores vandløb eller i vores have.

Ellen MacArthur, stifter af Ellen MacArthur Foundation, siger: "Unilevers udmelding er et betydeligt skridt ift. udviklingen af en cirkulær økonomi for plastic. Ved at eliminere unødvendige emballager gennem innovationer som fx refills, genbrug og koncentrater - samtidig med en øget brug af genanvendt plastic - demonstrerer Unilever, hvordan industrien kan bevæge sig væk fra virgin-plastic. Vi opfordrer andre til at følge deres eksempel, så vi kollektivt kan 1: eliminere den plastic, som vi ikke har brug for, 2: udvikle, så det, vi har behov for, er genanvendt - og 3: ultimativt bygge et økonomisk system, hvor plastic emballager aldrig bliver til affald."

Et par af de eksempler, som vi arbejder på Siden 2017 har vi forandret vores brug af emballager. Her er eksempler på nogle af de initiativer, vi arbejder på og områder, hvor vi hjælper med at udvikle infrastrukturer til indsamling og forarbejdning af plastic.

A few of the initiatives we’re working on

Since 2017, we have been transforming our use of plastic packaging. Here are some of the initiatives we’re working on and examples of where we’re helping to develop plastic collection and processing infrastructure.

Cif Ecorefill bottle
We’re exploring new ways of packaging and delivering products, including concentrates, such as our new Cif ecorefill – a 10x concentrated refill that allows shoppers to buy one spray bottle, which they can then use for life. This innovation uses 75% less plastic. And there are additional benefits. Diluting the product at home means 97% less water being transported, 87% fewer trucks on the road and less greenhouse gas emissions.
Wraperless Solero ice cream.
Our ice cream brand Solero has trialled an innovative box with built-in compartments so that individual ice creams can be inserted without a plastic wrapper, resulting in 35% less plastic per pack. The box is made from a specially designed PE (Polyethylene) coated cardboard. The design ensures Solero lovers can enjoy the ice lollies without compromising on quality. This trial is the latest innovation in our #GetPlasticWise initiative which aims to rethink plastic in the UK. The plan is about working with partners to seek solutions, as well as supporting and educating consumers on how they can reduce plastic consumption.
Refillery at marks and spencers
We’re trialling new refill stations for shampoo and laundry detergent in shops, universities and mobile vending in South East Asia. For example, a pilot from All Things Hair – our content platform for hair inspiration and advice – brought a whole new model of eco-friendly shopping to consumers in the Philippines. We’re also experimenting with a refill model that comes to the consumer, rather than the consumer going to a store. In Chile, we’re partnering with Algramo to pilot an app-powered, intelligent dispensing system that uses electric tricycles to deliver to people’s homes.
TRESemmé bottles.
We’re developing pioneering innovations such as the new detectable pigment being used by Axe (Lynx) and TRESemmé. This makes black plastic recyclable, as it can now be seen and sorted by recycling plant scanners. The new technology means that an additional 2,500 tonnes of plastic bottles could now potentially be sorted and sent for recycling each year in the UK alone. We will share our work and the insights generated with other manufacturers to enable wide use of this technology and approach.
Signal toothpaste tablets in jar.
We’re bringing innovations to the market including shampoo bars, refillable toothpaste tablets, cardboard deodorant sticks and bamboo toothbrushes. We have also signed up to Loop, a global, first-of-its-kind, waste-free shopping system, where you buy products in packaging that can be returned and refilled. The system brings together major brands and retailers with the idea of shifting from a model that is ‘disposable’ (where packaging is thrown away or recycled after use) to one that is ‘durable’ (where packaging is reused and any leftover product is either recycled or reused).
Image of Bango advertisement.
Our sweet soy sauce brand in Indonesia, Bango, is switching to 100% recycled and recyclable bottles. Bango is our first Foods & Refreshment brand in our South East Asia and Australasia region to launch this innovation, with deployment of the new bottles for the 275ml and 135ml products starting in August. The change will apply to 33 million bottles and reduce over 500 tonnes of plastic waste every year. The marketing campaign promoting the launch aims to encourage consumers to reduce, reuse and recycle, particularly when it comes to plastic packaging.
Sunlight dishwash bottle.
We’re helping to create a circular economy for plastic packaging in many countries. For example, we have launched 100% post-consumer recycled (PCR) – and fully recyclable – bottles for our FAB laundry detergent brand in Colombia and Sunlight dishwashing liquid in South Africa. For us to hit our 25% recycled plastic content target, we need lots of PCR. So, in places like Brazil, where collection and recycling are still being developed, we need to support it. And that’s exactly what we’ve been doing with a local recycler called Wise.
Women at waste bank.
Over the last five years, we have collaborated with many partners to collect plastic packaging, including the United Nations Development Programme to help segregate, collect and recycle packaging across India. To help boost recycling rates and develop a functioning infrastructure in Indonesia, we are involved in a number of partnerships and programmes. We also raise awareness of recycling and support local collection through various initiatives, such as community-based waste banks, where individuals sort their waste and deposit it in exchange for money.
Waste pickers at Mr Green collection point.
Waste management is a huge issue in Africa and Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, is no exception. The city produces around 2,400 tonnes a day, of which roughly 60% is collected and only around 10% recycled. The rest is dumped illegally or burned. To help address this problem, we got together with Mr Green Africa. This partnership has seen us unlock sustainable solutions to plastic waste management in Kenya, integrating a social component which has helped create more opportunities and employment to over 2,000 waste pickers who were previously ignored.
  • How will we reduce the amount of plastic packaging we use?

    Our commitment will strengthen our innovation in new business models, such as reusable and refillable packaging. We will also drive action around no plastic solutions, such as ‘naked’ products. And we will look at reducing the amount of plastic we use in our packs through things like concentration. We will be mindful to avoid innovations or switches that have a worse environmental impact.

  • Will we shift to reusable and refillable solutions?

    Our ambition is to change the way we do business which means shifting from single to multi-use packs by investing in new models, such as reusable containers. We are already learning and making progress with innovations like home refills and in-store dispensing trials. To help make this shift, we also need to work with others on these solutions, engage citizens around the experience and educate them on the benefits of changing the way they buy.

  • Will we reduce our plastic packaging in every country?

    Like our existing commitments, we will embed these goals across our business to ensure our brands, markets and divisions are accountable for progress. And our ‘less, better, no’ framework will guide our solutions. We expect this will show up in different ways for each country, depending on the existing packaging footprint, solutions available and consumer response.

  • Will we reduce the number of sachets we sell?

    Our commitment includes all plastic packaging formats across the business, including sachets. We will continue to explore the positive impact of new business models like reusable or refillable packaging. For instance, our Philippines Hair Refillery and our Love Beauty and Planet Refillery in Vietnam.

    Our insights highlight the need for a low-cost model where consumers can control the amount of product they dispense, which in turn manages the cost. In addition, we consider the systems in which our products flow and work with others so the plastics we do need can be collected and recycled. We have committed to help collect and process more plastic packaging than we sell – this includes sachets.

  • Hvordan vil vi reducerer den mænge af plastic emballage, som vi bruger?

    Vores forpligtelse vil styrke vores innovation indenfor nye forretningsmodeller, som fx genbrugelige og genopfyldelige emballager. Vi vil drive udvikling inden for ‘no plastic solutions’, som fx ‘nøgne’ produkter. Og vi vil se på, hvordan vi kan reducere mængden af plastic, som vi bruger i vores emballager – fx gennem koncentrater. Vi vil tænke os om, så vi undgår innovationer eller skift, som har en værre miljømæssig påvirkning.

  • Vil vi skifte til genbrugelige eller genopfyldelige løsninger?

    Vores ambition er at ændre vores måde at drive forretning på, hvilket betyder et skifte fra single til multi-brugs emballager ved at investere i nye modeller som fx genbrugelige beholdere. Vi er allerede i process og gør fremskridt inden for innovationer som fx hjemme-refills og indlevering i butik. Vi har også behov for at samarbejde med andre for at komme i mål med disse nye løsninger – og for at engagere forbrugerne og uddanne dem om fordelene ved at ændre i deres indkøbsmønstre.

  • Vil vi reducere vores plastic emballager i alle lande?

    Som med vores eksisterende planer og mål vil vi indarbejde de nye mål på tværs af vores varemærker, markeder og divisioner, så de er medansvarlige for vores fremskridt. Og vores ‘less, better, no’ model vil guide vores løsninger. Vi forventer, at dette vil udmønte sig på forskellige måder i de enkelte lande, afhængigt af det eksisterende aftryk, de tilgængelige løsninger og forbrugernes respons.

  • Vil vi reducere antallet af poser, som vi sælger?

    Vores forpligtelse omfatter alle plastic emballage formater på tværs af forretningen, herunder poser. Vi vil fortsætte med at udforske den positive konsekvens af nye forretningsmodeller som fx genbrugelige eller genopfyldelige emballager. Et eksempel er vores Fillipinske Hair Refillery og vores Love Beauty and Planet Refillery i Vietnam. Vores indsigter fremhæver behovet for en billig model, hvor forbrugerne kan kontrollere mængden af produkter, som de smider ud - for til gengæld at holde prisen nede. Derudover ser vi på de systemer, som vores produkter er del af og arbejder med andre, så den plastic, vi reelt har behov for, kan blive indsamlet og genanvendt. Vi har forpligtet os til at indsamle og forarbejde mere plastic emballage, end vi sælger – herunder også poser.

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